Musings IIa

Yes, this is a shameless plug for an Amazon book, but also created to help readers that book to connect with all that is written. I ended up making 5 books out of blogs I’d posted during the pandemic. Musing through a Pandemic they were. In my haste to get them out in 2021, I omitted a considerable section of Musings II. Interpersonal relationships. It was supposed to contain a bunch of musings on my medical career, subtitled in the book “My brilliant career”. Well, I finally added those in, plus a few others that came in after the pandemic “ended”. The musings haven’t stopped, so they’re will surely. be more.

I post here the table of contents for Musings IIa. I’ll create a tiny URL from/ the URL for this post and include it in the book. Each of the 65 essay titles here is hyperlinked to the original blog, so readers of the paper book have a way to access the links in the original blogs.

Table of contents

friends and family – musings about those close and dear to me

Goodbye Sam.  My first post.  Sam, I’m sure, would have become my best friend had he lived.  Tho’ our paths had intertwined back to high school, it took Facebook to bring us together.  God, how I miss him.

1/12/20. 11

see Sam.  Collected pictures of my late friend Sam.

1/14/20. 13

on the list?  Something I sent to all those I notified of my new blog.

1/30/20. 25

Dinner with the McCarthys.  Tall, willowy, athletic, and impossibly cute, plus a neighbor!  A relationship smashed by my shyness grows now as mature couples interact.

2/1/20. 27

33 and a third.  There are anniversaries and there are anniversaries.

2/4/20  29

How we met.  In case you wanted to know.

2/5/20.  33

my mother-in-law.  I got so lucky.  Miss you Ruth.  Found in “vault” and not published till 6/29/21*.

2/10/20*.  35

flowers.  Ya know how when a band reissues an album they find things “in the vault” that weren’t on the original pressing?  Here’s a Valentine’s Day story I’ll wait till next VD to post*

2/15/20*.  37

Docere.  My wife’s company, she’s cut me in as equal partner.  Knowledge is our product which, as you know, is good.

2/23/20.  41

for Annie Banannie.  My fave of all of Kathy’s old school friends.

5/2/20.  43

missing Nathan.  Boy, do I.  What a doc.  What a guy.

5/11/20.  45

remember.  Thoughts and images after visits to family graves on Memorial Day.

5/24/20.  61

goodbye Sue.  A danger of befriending octogenarians is they can leave unexpectedly.  Without Sue, there would not have been a first “book”

6/5/20.  69

TDP.  My friend, my chief, my best man.  So sad to hear of his fate.

9/1/20.  73

My beautiful wife loves Michigan.  She surely does.  See how she prepares for MSU.

11/10/20.  77

Aunt Dorie.  Why I’m where I am, I guess.  The right nudge, oodles of encouragement and support.  She understood more than any other relative where I might be going, as that was her game (Prof Psych Nursing WSU).  But she taught me an awful lot about food, too.  And life.

1/13/21.  79

fam.  Here’s what I’ve got.

1/28/21.  81

Nurse!  My friend Ott needed to hear this song.

3/6/21.  91

hey, Tim.  My friend from the final frontier asked, and I unloaded.  Much 

sports here. 

3/15/21.  95

bye, Barb  Farewell to a dear friend and cousin. 

7/7/23.  111

Capt’n Cosine.  Golf, football, math, or driving, you couldn’t beat the Captain.

12/22/23.  113

“my brilliant career” – reflections on a career in rheumatology

varsity jacket.  Of course, it starts in high school.  And sports are a headier 

achievement than academics

4/14/22.  117

make it add up, doc.  Why an accounting journal would solicit an article 

from me is beyond understanding, but here’s what they got, an 

unforgettable series of events in high school.

4/28/21.  119

a letter to my English teacher.  My first stab at updating my high school 

English teacher on the last 50 years.

2/10/20.  125. 

why rheumatology and, um, death?  My high school English teacher asks me 

why I chose rheumatology and how I confronted death.3/29/20.  129

Here Comes My Career.  Riffing on an Andy Breckman song, I put to my high 

school English teacher how my brilliant career unfolded.

5/4/20.  133

lab prattle.  Talk about all that ree-search I was supposed to be doing.

10/1/22.  143

Hyde’n’seek.  A romp through those old, cold, gray med school stomping 

grounds, not seeming so these days.

4/28/23.  145

London ’79.  Two magical months among garbage and disorder.  And no, 

Dr. Johnson, I was never tired.

11/10/21.  167

A Proud Line.  My link to Britain’s greatest cardiologist through 2 of his 

students, one my Professor.

4/7/21.  169

pair-o-docs.  It’s all about the clothes.

9/3/22.  177

flea in the O.R.  An account of my role in developing arthroscopy 

as a tool of the rheumatologist. 

11/20/21.  179

all that doctorin’.  Some snaps from my young doctor days.

7/4/21.  185

thanks, Timbo!  A tribute to a dear colleague for an innovative 

arthroscopic intervention and a great recipe!

3/29/21.  187

Bend me, shape me.  Reflections on an entertaining medical boondoggle meeting in San Diego.

7/10/20.  191

Dear Dr. Ripps.  My appreciation of pharmacist Andrew Ripps’ efforts to remake rheumatology practice.

1/22/20.  201

Come back West, old man?  Gavin Newsome gives this here doc with a lapsed California license a chance to go back to work!

4/5/20.  203

What kind of Army is this?  The California Health Corps takes shape.  Without me.  5/17/20.  205

News for Sara. News to my favorite former fellow and current co-author about the state of affairs at her old institution early May ‘20.

5/5/20.  209

Gesundheitsgier (“health greed”).  The Germans have a word for it.  Here’s an urge we should heed more often.

6/29/21.  211

Oxford.  My big paper on arthroscopy was accepted by the world’s premier rheumatology journal and here’s the link 

12/27/21.  213

Nayef.  I explain to one of my better former fellows who my role models were (and still are), and why.

4/5/21.  215

Michigan chairs.  Yes, it is possible to sit on your accomplishments.

6/1/22.  219

show-off.  I like seals.  Follow them and know my history.

10/8/22.  221

third phase.  Reflections on retirement. 

12/11/20.  237

“this life” – miscellaneous musings

a more perfect Union.  Coming away impressed after a visit to the refurbished Michigan Union.

1/13/20.  243

Ann Arbor evening.  Home by the fire after 10 days in the Golden State.

1/27/20.  245

Cross quarter.  There’s more to it than the silly groundhog.

2/1/20.  247

Feed my worms.  It was time for a new hobby.

2/23/20.  249

on Harbal.  Welcome to my beautiful home.  Links will give you a good tour around. I’m so lucky.

9/21/20.  255

I like being old.  Yep.  And here’s why.

10/2/20.  257

simplify, simplify, simplify.  Inspired by my high school homecoming queen, I reflect on how COVID may be helping us feel better about some things.

11/18/20.  261

Commandments.  From my brother Nick, Commandments for the 60 and over.

11/29/20.  263

more third phase.  Reflections in retirement, again. 12/11/20.  265

Thank you, Jeff Bezos.  What would we do without Amazon?

12/19/20.  269

Dandy dozen.  More than just a refrain in a silly Christmas carol, there really are 12 days!  Celebrate them all!

12/25/20.  271

An ode to 2020.  Maybe not so bad after all.

12/31/20.  273

50 years.  I relate to a high school friend what’s been happening.

1/22/21.  277

unscubscribe!  Frenzied phone focus in a bar upon learning of an e-mail option to keep them away.

2/19/21.  279

happy 90th, Cap’n!  Who doesn’t love Captain Kirk!

3/25/21.  281

batch.  I learn some etiquette for the digital age

4/1/21.  287

makin’ t-shirts.  A manly activity

1/10/24.  289

hooked.  Hang-ups can be helpful.

1/11/24.  309

Certifiable.  May I see your papers, please?

4/9/24.  319

Published by rike52

I retired from the Rheumatology division of Michigan Medicine end of June '19 after 36 years there. Upon hitting Ann Arbor for the second time (I went to school here) it took me almost 8 months to meet Kathy, 17 months to buy her a house (on Harbal, where we still live), and 37 months to marry her. Kids never came, but we've been blessed with a crowd of colleagues, friends, neighbors and family that continues to grow. Lots of them are going to show up in this log eventually. Stay tuned.

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